Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Using Icons

How to use icons

Those who would like to use icons on a page, can also do so by embedding HTML code directly from Font Awesome into a content block using the steps below: 

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, search for the icon you would like to use
  3. Once you find the icon, click on it and you should see the HTML code begin with "<i class="
  4. Click on it to copy the HTML code
  5. Go back to your page in Sitefinity and select "Edit" for the appropriate content block
  6. At the top right of the content block, click the "View HTML" button
  7. Paste the code in the appropriate area
  8. Save and you should see the icon

For advanced users, you can also embed the SVG markup, instead of the HTML code. Follow the steps above, but copy the SVG markup from Font Awesome (beginning with "<svg xmlns=") instead of the HTML code. Keep in mind that you will need to set a height attribute once you've pasted the SVG markup into the content block. 

For example, the height attribute might look like the following: data-fa-i2svg height="2em"

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