Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

Learn More

Faculty & Staff

The Office of Advancement works in partnership with CU Denver's faculty and staff to match donor passions with opportunities to advance student success, research, and campus programs. If you are a CU Denver faculty or staff member, you can learn here about ways to partner with the Advancement team to achieve your philanthropic goals. We've also included a library of our standard operating procedures that explain how we can best help you. Lastly, we hope you'll consider supporting CU Denver as so many of your colleagues have done through payroll deduction. Thank you!

Payroll Deduction

If you are a CU faculty or staff member, payroll deductions are a simple and easy way for you to make a powerful statement about your commitment to CU’s future. All gifts made using payroll deduction recur monthly. New payroll deductions, as well as changes/cancellations, are processed on the 10th of each month. Any action before the 10th will take effect that month. Any action made on or after the 10th will take effect in the first paycheck of the following month.
Professor Antwan Jefferson speaking with two students featuring large windows with views of Ball Arena.

Partnering with Advancement

Establishing and maintaining excellent relationships with donors and alumni is essential to supporting and advancing the university's mission, and our office is prepared to work with you in many ways to make this possible. We value our partnerships across the campus, which help us achieve the philanthropic impact our donors and alumni seek through their generous support. 

Partnering with Advancement

Standard Operating Procedures

The Office of Advancement strives to incorporate best practices into its range of activities to connect donors with the university. In many cases, we have standardized our operating processes to ensure quality and consistency by creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) around a variety of topics and functions. Our library of SOPs is available to campus partners to allow us to collaborate more effectively on engaging and stewarding donors and alumni.

Working with a tablet

Office of Advancement

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Ste 1201

Denver, CO 80204

(303) 315-3601

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