Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Resources for Campus Leadership

CU Denver Advancement is committed to supporting campus partners and leadership who are working with alumni, donors, friends, and potential partners to effectively match interests and passions of our constituents with opportunities to make a meaningful impact at the university. This page serves as a centralized resource to assist campus partners in learning about the Office of Advancement and how to engage with our team to achieve mutual goals and advance the university's mission.

Clicking the button below will take you to a library of documents related to working with Advancement. (Note: this library is accessible only to CU Denver faculty and staff.) You can also follow the links further down the page for additional information and resources.

Thank you for partnering with the Office of Advancement!

Top Resource Links

Explore other CU Denver resources and engagement opportunities for you and external constituents with whom you are working.

CU Denver Alumni Website: Information about CU Denver alumni benefits, engagement opportunities, news, and class notes.

CU Foundation Website: Information about the University of Colorado Foundation, its structure, and leadership.

CU Giving Website: The University of Colorado's online giving portal. Use filters to explore funds for specific CU campuses or categories like student success.

CU Denver Giving Website: Provides a list of funds specific to CU Denver.

CU Foundation Fund Manager Website: Information for campus fund managers on endowment distribution updates, fund purpose reports, new gift fund requests, recorded trainings, and other valuable resources and contacts.

Volunteers: Community members connect with the university through a variety of volunteer opportunities, including service on advisory boards, guest lecturing, and other mutually rewarding capacities. 

Alumni Engagement Opportunities: Various engagement opportunities are available to CU Denver alumni, including mentoring students, assisting at an event, submitting an alumni award nomination, and much more.

CU Denver City Stories: All CU Denver donors and alumni receive this digital magazine published by University Communications and featuring top stories for external audiences.

Additionally, the Advancement team and our campus partners engage with donors and alumni regularly on an individual basis. 

CU Denver Alumni Events: A list of all events and activities, virtual and in-person, open to all CU Denver alumni.

University Events Calendar: A cross-campus list of events open to the Lynx community. Use filters to refine your search.

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