Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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OIT Billing and Rates

Billing Overview

OIT bills customers on a monthly basis for IT services provided by the department. When billable services are provided by OIT a SpeedType is solicited. These SpeedTypes are used for the assignment of services/charges in our billing system: PCR-360. Almost all charges billed by OIT are tied to a specific service or invoice. Some of these services and charges are persistent, recurring on a monthly or annual basis. Other services and charges are assessed as a one-time service/fee. Some services are billed in arears (based on the prior month’s usage), while other services are billed for the current month.

Billing Cycle

OIT’s billing cycle is the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month. This timing allows a grace period for submitting Journal Entries before the Journal Entry Deadline at the end of each month. When the OIT bill is run it generates a series of Journal Entries that are sent to the Finance Office for upload to PeopleSoft Finance.  

Billing Statements

Billing statements are distributed to Fiscally Responsible staff once the Journal Entries have been fully processed in PeopleSoft Finance. These Fiscally Responsible staff are automatically updated on a daily basis in PCR-360 using the following SpeedType roles in PeopleSoft Finance:

  • Program/Project Principal
  • Program/Project Manager
  • Fiscal Staff

These users also have access to their past/current billing statements, as well as active services (including SpeedType assignments), on our billing system customer portal

Billing Requests

SpeedType and name change requests must be received by the 15th of the month to be effective within the same month. These types of requests can be made via the billing system customer portal or by email to

Requests to add, change, or disconnect a service should be made through the OIT Service Center.


Billing Coordinators: PCR-360 Billing System Resources

Documentation and resources for using the customer portal are available here:

Services and Costs

See the table below for fee details. Services listed include the following information:

  • Service
  • Schedule (recurrence frequency; e.g. monthly, one-time, etc.)
  • Cost
  • Rate (quantity to be multiplied times rate; e.g. GB usage, hourly, etc.)
  • Term of Service (term being billed for)

Additional information is available on the OIT Tools and Services webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Other billing questions? Reach out to

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