Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Waitlists have proven to be an effective tool for students who are trying to register for a class that is closed or full. You may request to be placed on a waitlist in your UCDAccess student portal. It is up to the department to indicate in the registration system whether a waitlist will be offered, therefore your class may not have a waitlist option. Placing your name on a waitlist does not guarantee that you will be enrolled in that class. 

Waitlist Positions and Enrollment

When someone drops a closed course, the student who is next on the waitlist is automatically enrolled. Schools and colleges reserve the right to make exceptions to manage their waitlists based on unique needs and circumstances. 

Waitlist Details

You can monitor your status on the waitlist by logging in to UCDAccess. Once a space becomes available you will be automatically enrolled in the class, and you will receive an email if you are enrolled. You will be responsible for the tuition if you are enrolled from the waitlist, even if you do not attend. If you decide not to take the class, it is your responsibility to drop the class in your portal according to the published deadlines in the Academic Calendar

It is possible to be waitlisted for a class while you're already enrolled in a different section of that same class. However, the system recognizes that you're already enrolled in the class, and because of that you will never be enrolled unless you drop the other section. The exception to this is Special Topics courses – you may simultaneously be enrolled in multiple sections of Special Topics classes.  

To get around the issue of the system not enrolling you from the waitlist because you’re enrolled in another section, register for your second-choice section and then use the “drop if enrolled” function when adding yourself to the waitlist for your first-choice section. The system will drop you automatically if room becomes available in your first-choice section.  

Dropping Wait-Listed Classes

If you choose not to remain on a waitlist or if you end up registered in a class that you no longer want, drop the class as soon as possible.

CU Online Wait-Listed Classes

If you choose not to remain on a waitlist or if you end up enrolled in a class that you no longer want, drop the class as soon as possible. Pay close attention to the published deadlines in the Academic Calendar

Financial Information for Wait-Listed Classes

Waitlisted classes will appear on your billing statement, even though tuition is not due until the Add/Drop Deadline (Census) of each semester. Waitlists are purged prior to the Add/Drop Deadline (Census). If you're still on the waitlist for a class when the waitlists are purged, you'll receive a tuition adjustment. 

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