Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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About Us

Who We Are

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards is an integral part of the CU Denver community. We utilize a collaborative and student-centered approach to help create a safe and academically sound learning environment. The intention is to facilitate wiser and safer choices by students. Create Better Tomorrows.


Our conduct educators work with CU Denver faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders to address behavior that negatively impacts the university community. We help students learn and grow, repair harm, and succeed, while creating a climate of safety and support across campus.

Learning Outcomes

Our learning objectives identify what students will know, understand, and be able to do as a result in participating in the conduct process.

Increase Knowledge

  • Increase understanding of how their behavior affects/impacts others
  • Evaluate the level of administrator/community concern as a result of their behavior
  • Understand the expectations for behavior as described in the CU Denver Student Code of Conduct
  • Engage with the institutional process by self-reflecting and asking questions

Personal Responsibility

  • Accept personal responsibility for their behavior
  • Acknowledge their community responsibility to CU Denver
  • Articulate their personal values

Understand Potential Consequences

  • Impact on academic career
  • Impact on emotional well-being
  • Legal implications of behavior
  • Personal and community safety

Future Behavior

  • Use personal values in decision-making before engaging in future behavior
  • Learn, or more fully develop, one or more skills to them avoid future involvement in similar behavior
  • Identify ways to move forward after the incident in the best way possible and create a better tomorrow

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